Opportunity to learn the ABC of data journalism


DS Report

The wait is finally over. The enrollment for Knight Center’s new free MOOC, “Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools” has started.

Spearheaded by two giants of data journalism and data visualization fields i.e., Simon Rogers and Alberto Cairo the six-week course promises to provides ‘enough materials for you to get started’.

The course comprises following six weekly “how-to” modules

  • Find and download data
  • Prepare data for exploration and visualization
  • Extract meaning from it
  • Take advantage of machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Create visualizations
  • Structure a data-driven visual story

The course powered by Google News Initiative is being offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese languages. Create your account on the online training platform of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin here and get registered for the course starting October 14, 2019.